My Artist Statment

I make work to understand what I'm feeling inside. I have to see my feelings in order to understand them. I make art to externalize what I feel internally because it is the only way I can truly understand myself. Each work I make is a little glimpse into my own psyche. For those imperfect moments in life, the process of drawing and painting extracts the anger and sadness out of my body. My emotions become visible and I achieve a level of peace and satisfaction. Because my work is so emotionally driven, some works are completed quickly while others will parellel verious sentiments and take longer.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Exercise I

1. what work have you made that seems most yours and why?
-I guess it would be my most recent work. I really haven't had much time to find myself, I've been so busy between work and just getting assingments done. I really feel like Im trying to discover myself as an artist in these works.

2. Who are artists that are making work that relates to you? Are ther other influences connected to your work?
- I would say that I really don't know of anyone making work like mine, I really just stumbled upon the way I'm working now. If I were to choose an artist that I find inspiring, I would have to say right now it would be Kiki Smith. Her work is so emotional and amazing. Looking at her work makes me want to draw.

3. I belive that civilizations can not servive with out art because it is a way of communication, before technology or even writen language it was important for people to communicate ideas and information. It is how people understod religious ideals and how people passed on vital information to each other. I also believe that it is a basic human need we all feel. We must express our internal thoughts and feelings in order to make sense of them and the world around us. Art is another way of doing this as is music.

4. Which of these ideas resonates most with you and why?
-I guess for me it would have to be the first choice. Art is something I do out in the world. I take what I feel and make it a visible and sometimes tangable thing. I love that idea of taking something internal untouchable and making it a object that can be seen and understud. Kiki Smith said in an interview with PBS back in 2008 that art is about taking what is inside and making it visible to the world, it is a part of your insides outside for all to see.

5. What do you notice about yourself? what are your methods? subject matter?
-I have noticed that is much easier for me to draw when I am mad or upset as opposed to being happy. I often make work about my own feelings. I don't know why this is but is what I've been drawn to lately. It is almost as though I've become obsessed with the idea of makeing my emotions a visible, tangable thing for others to experiance.

6. What do you care about?
- I care about humanity. I care about life, love, hate, fear, sadness, anger. I care about how we feel inside. when look at people I wonder what they are feeling internally. I care about the people around me. I care how they feel, how the think and how I can help. People, and more importantly loved ones are my concern.

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